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35mm Film in a Medium Format Camera

January, 2022

after i tried to expose 35mm film in my holga a few years ago and it didn't work at all, i was quite frustrated and put the project aside. but lately i discovered that ars-imago ( has developed its own adapter to adapt 35mm film to medium format cameras. and so i thought - why not try again?

35mm Adapter for 120 Medium Format (ars-imago zh /
and this is what the adapter looks like in action on the ilford HP5+
35mm film with the adapter in the camera

loading the film into the camera took a bit of finesse until the film was fixed in the front. and then - close the camera and roll! exactly how long until the unexposed part comes? no idea - rather a bit too much, i thought. or i thought i'll just do it according to the camera's basic settings - pretending it has medium format film in it. best not to think too much and just try. so i went outside and started shooting. i had to remember to always center the image well in the viewfinder, since above and below there is no film that is exposed, only the 35mm film in the middle. so far so good.

and then, after only 6 photos, the film was finished. what? already? mh. ok. i can just shoot another one - i thought. but then i realized that i can't just take the film out of the camera, because it's not protected like in medium format! crap. i didn't think of that before. but well then, off back home to take the film out of the camera in the safety of the dark bag and develop it.

drying after developing

here's the result. i had to laugh. so much wasted film!

the idea of shooting using the medium format settings with its own winding mechanisms was probably not so wise after all. no wonder there was only room for 6 photos. i will have to experiment a bit more next time to get more out of the film.

but well, that's the way to learn. try and error.

nevertheless, i was very curious about the results. since i was more interested in trying things out this time, i didn't pay particular attention to the subjects. i think the atmosphere with the exposed edge just has something artistic about it. so far, i am quite satisfied with the first results. there is still a lot of room for improvement, but it worked! and since it didn't the first time i tried it a few years ago, i'm pretty happy.

here are some of the shots:

structures on a wall

streets of winterthur
empty coffee table



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